Error Types Ternary operator Operators Global variables Scope coupling vs cohesion default arguments void fun(int x, int y = 8); pointer Arrays Declare int A[60]; Initialize int A[10] = {1,2,3,4}; Indexes 0 thru size -1 Rules for size and indices pass an array to a funciton Find the address of an element in an array Strings know to two ways of getting stirng input cin >> cin.getline define declare initialize 'a' vs. "a" Write one string function yourself cout << strlen(s); //strlen //strcpy(destination,source) //strncpy - copies the frist n chars from the source to the destination, // does not place the '\0' every time //strcmp(s1,s2) - return 0, 1, -1 - case sensitive //stricmp - same as strcmp but case insensitive //strncmp - same as strcmp but only compares the first n chars //strnicmp - stricmp and strncmp //strcat //strncat //strchr - returns the address of where it finds the char, // NULL if it dose not find it before the '\0'